
Zing: the origin story

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The Origin

Zing is a new player in the contact centre and customer experience market. And when you’re new, you’ve got that once in a lifetime opportunity to invent yourself. Who you are and how you want to be seen.

When you arrive on the stage, people want to know a bit about your background. Why are you here? Why now? And what is it that you’re here to do?

Zing has a clear mission: to put contact centres at the heart of customer engagement; to deliver on the promise that technology can enable an extraordinary customer experience.

But people want to know a bit more; the origin story as it were.

The facts of our origin are pretty straightforward. Zing was created as a division of ProspectSoft in 2019 and the plan was always that it would be spun out as a separate business, focused on unlocking the power of Twilio. With backing from Maven Capital Partners, Zing Dev Limited was created this year and we’re moving into the scale-up stage of the business, with some fantastic customers on board.

But we wanted something that told a story. A story with a bit of… Zing!

We got our team together – the Zingers – and thought about how we wanted to present ourselves. We needed a stepping off point for the team and the creation of a culture that will underpin our growth plans.

So we created a superhero as the expression of this journey. And all good superheroes need an origin story. With artist Bernie Campbell, we worked through a number of iterations before deciding that:

Born an ordinary cheetah on the plains of the Serengeti, Zing always knew that he was different. Deeply inspired by the athleticism of Usain Bolt and the kindness and humility of Spiderman, he tried to reflect their behavior every day. But more than that, he was fast. Not only could Zing run faster than all the other cheetahs, he did everything more quickly. He could boil an egg more quickly, he could do the weekly shop faster than anyone else and more importantly he could write code faster than any other cheetah on Earth. Driven by a desire to help, Zing knew that he was destined for a career as a Developer at Zing Dev Limited.


So now Zing, the Digital Disruptor, is here:

Of course, it’s a bit of fun. But fun is OK, especially at these difficult times.

More importantly, it’s a visual expression of our values, which have also been created collectively by the Team:

  • Inquisitive: Driven to learn. We’re fascinated by the process of discovery and how to unlock value. This is reflected in our continuous investigation into new techniques and technologies.
  • Energetic: It’s in our name: Zing. We’re energetic, enthusiastic and lively and always on the move. We bring this energy to everything that we do and it’s reflected in every aspect of our communications.
  • Relentless: We’re restless and continually ready to question the perceived norm. Our customers aren’t just looking for another app. They want a development partner to help them disrupt and challenge their markets.
  • Results Driven: We’re all about delivering results and that means getting the right balance between ambition and pragmatism. We’re hands-on, getting under the hood with our customers’ challenges and developing viable solutions we know we can implement.

Zing (Dev Limited) is just beginning on a really exciting journey and both of us (the superhero and the business) will continue to develop their story in the years ahead.

So keep checking in… if you watch any superhero shows you’ll know that their superpowers are never revealed in episode 1.

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